Efficacy of Flipgrid App as an Assistant for Speaking Skill Development in EFL Classroom

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Nualpen Puangpunsi


This study purposed to investigate whether the use of Flipgrid app develop the speaking performance in an English class. It also revealed the students’ perception towards the use of Flipgrid in an improvement of English speaking. By purposive sampling, 17 university students who were non-majoring in English agreed to participate the experiment. The data obtained from four speaking tasks were analyzed by using a pair sample t-test to study if the use of Flipgrid enable students to improve the speaking skill. Mean and percentage were used to analyzed the students’ perception towards the use of Flipgrid in speaking activity. According to the study, it found a difference in the score for the speaking practice in TASK1 VS TASK3 (p=0.0139) and a significant difference in the speaking TASK 1 and Task 4 (p= 0.0001) which assured that Flipgrid was potential for the development of English speaking. Besides, the students showed the high level of satisfaction (M=3.909) towards the use of Flipgrid in speaking activity and they verified the benefits received from the use of Flipgrid (M=4.091), namely the increasing of confident in speaking English (M=4.394) and engaging the presentation skill (M=4.176). To be concluded, Flipgrid can be the beneficial tool in enhancing speaking skill and it also encourages students to be more confident in speaking English.

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How to Cite
Puangpunsi, N. (2023). Efficacy of Flipgrid App as an Assistant for Speaking Skill Development in EFL Classroom. Parichart Journal, 36(4), 77–90. https://doi.org/10.55164/pactj.v36i4.265526
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