Using Social Return on Investment to Analyze Worthiness of Academic Services: A Case study of Rai Fung Fueng Muang Bangklang Community Enterprise in Muang Bangklang Subdistrict, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province
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The research on using social return on investment to analyze the value of academic services: a case study of Rai Fung Fueng Muang Bangklang Community Enterprise in Muang Bangklang Subdistrict, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province has the following 3 objectives: 1) to analyze the suitability of evaluating academic service projects with social return assessment tools, to assess the social value of implementing the Rai Fung Mueang Bang Klang Community Enterprise product development project in Mueang Bang Khlang Subdistrict, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province; and 3) to create a procedure prototype for assessing social gains on academic service project. The research revealed that the project had a net present value of 45,408.05 baht, an internal rate of return (IRR) of 40.49 percent, a payback period (PB) of 2 years and 2 months, and a social return (SROI) of 2.01 times.
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