The Influence of Technology Acceptance Components on Information Technological Competence of Village Health Volunteers to Increase Performance Efficiency
Main Article Content
The objectives of this study were to study 1) the components of technology acceptance on the information technological competence of village health volunteers and 2) the influence of information technology acceptance components on the technological competence of village health volunteers. It was quantitative research conducted with 400 public health volunteers from the central and lower northeastern regions as the stratified random sampling group. A questionnaire was used to gather research data and PLS-SEM was used for data analysis to assess the correlation between the variables. The study’s findings revealed that 1) the competence of village health volunteers in utilizing information technology to increase performance efficiency included: perception, evaluation, interest, intention, acceptance, perceived ease of use, trial, and competency; and 2) the competencies that directly influenced to the competence of village health volunteers in utilizing information technology to increase performance efficiency included perception and interest and the indirect competencies involved perception variables indirectly affecting information technology use competency through interest variables.
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