การสำรวจความคิดเห็นที่มีต่อสาเหตุของความสามารถด้านการฟังในระดับที่ต่ำในวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ 2 ของนิสิตชั้นปีที่ 1 มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ วิทยาเขตพัทลุง

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ไพโรจน์ เบ็ญนุ้ย


          This study attempts to survey the first-year srudents' opinions conceming the causes of their low listening performance in the English Il course at Thaksin University, Phanhalung Campus. The zoa students of the Faculties of Science, Public Health and Spon Science, and Technology and Community Development were chosen as the research subjects. A student questionnaire, the only instrument for gathering the data, was used to explore the students' opinions by considering six f'actors that may have caused low listening performance: students' Lz prior knowledge, students' motivation, students' learning strategies, the teachers' teaching methods, classroom environment, and classroom lacilities. The SPSS program was used to analyze the quantitative data while the teaching researcher's discussion was used to describe the qualitative data. The findings revealed that from the total results or the means  of the six factors, the students disagreed with the six factors causing their low listening performance. However, considering the mean of each sub factor, there were six sub-factors the students agreed as the causes of their low listening performance: (i) I had previously lenmt reading-writing rather than lislening-speaking (x = 2.8?), (ii) My background on vocabulary, grammar eurd sound systems in English is quite poor (x = 2.zg), (iii) I never attended English aclivities.Iaunched in Thailand or other foreign countries G = 2.?2), (iv) I have never consulted with the teachers on my listening problems inside and outside the classroom (x = 2.66), (v) I never talk to native English speakers or fbreigners (i = 2.5s), and (vi) After listening, I cannot perform listening exercises without discussing in pair or group of the same or different major students G = 2.s4). These sub-factors were under the two tactors: the students' prior Lz knowledge and the students'learning strategies. Moreover, the majority of the students, 2g.1ro/o, agreed that the native speakers, rate of speech in the CD-ROM was the other additional factor causing their low listening pertbrmance. As a result, the English II course teachers should be aware of the two factors and additional factor above befbre the rest of the lbur factors vr'hen teaching listening skills in order to solve the students' listening problems in an appropriate way.

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How to Cite
เบ็ญนุ้ย ไ. (2016). การสำรวจความคิดเห็นที่มีต่อสาเหตุของความสามารถด้านการฟังในระดับที่ต่ำในวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ 2 ของนิสิตชั้นปีที่ 1 มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ วิทยาเขตพัทลุง. Parichart Journal, 20(1), 27–48. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/parichartjournal/article/view/70031
Research Articles