การสร้างชุดการสอนเพื่อการพัฒนาการเขียนเรียงความสำหรับนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 5

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ธมลวรรณ โชติระโส
ปรีชา ทิชินพงศ์
ยุรฉัตร บุญสนิท


The objectives oJ this research were to construct a teaching kit for development ot composition writing for students of primary grade 5, to dotermine the etficiency of the said teaching kit by the 80/80 standard criterion, and to compara the learning achievement before and after ths administration ol the said teaching kit. The research sample, by means of purposive sampling, consisted of 40 students oJ primary grad6 S of Wichianchom School under iho Office of Songkhla Educational Zon6 1 in the 2009 academic year. The research instruments consisted of a teaching kil for developmsnt of composition writing for students of primary grade 5, and lwo tests of learning achievsment the first one being a 4o-item, four-choice objective iest of learning achisvsment, with itsm difficulty valuos of .33 - .BO, discrimination values trom .21 upward, and a reliability value tor both tests of .65; the s€cond lest being a tast of the ability io write on ono composition topic. The statistics for the data analysis wers percentage, msan, etficiency value by the 80/80 standard criterion, and t-test
           Ths research findings yielded a teaching kit for development of composition writingfor students of primary grade 5 at the efficiency ot 84J0/A7.67, highar than ihe set 80/80 standard criterion. And when a comparison was mads of the leaming achie\rement by ihe two tssts, it was found that the learning achievsm€nt after the use ot the said teaching kit was higher than before the said l€aming kit was used, at the .01 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
โชติระโส ธ., ทิชินพงศ์ ป., & บุญสนิท ย. (2016). การสร้างชุดการสอนเพื่อการพัฒนาการเขียนเรียงความสำหรับนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 5. Parichart Journal, 23(1), 35–44. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/parichartjournal/article/view/70081
Research Articles