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E-mail communication is a type of computer-Based communication which alows users
intefact via asynchronous medium. In glectronic communication discourse, it cannot be denied that the use of elgctronic communication is on the increase, with modes of electronic
communication and the number and types of individuals and groups which have access
to those modes, increasing over time. E-mail interaction reveals the impersonal teatures
ot writing and speaking through technorogicat toor. E-mair users are abre to create their
virtual spac€, which is unreal, behind the computer screen to play with members in computer environment, subs€quently develop brief speaking manner through writing; spelling shortening, vocabulary redefinition, and emoticon or smiley use. This meaning-making that occurs within e-mail communication in this phenomenon is becoming a crucial literacy event. conceming specifically with how users text their talks through cMc contributes to the process of meaning-making, Gordon and Lakoft (1971) and searre ( 1975)'s poriteness strategies, four general methods of feliciiy conditions were used to identify the language patterns influenced by social practices of a particurar community occuning via cMc. \Mrth the perception ot what is produced within the e-mail interacting wilt give a better insight ot how social and cultural norms shape the ways students use language in e-mail writing.