ls Knowledgle Managlenent Performance in Thailand's educational institutions really the path to success ?

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Tasapong Klaewthanong
Nonglak Phayrkkasirimwin


Knowledge Managemenl concepts (KM) has become popular in many educational institutions worldwide so ths Ministry of Education of Thailand now gives procedance io educational development. Thus, the Thai government has initiated the Stimulus Package during 2010-2012 (SP2) in order to elevate Thailand education to match the world class education by using KM theories. However, the SP2 projsct has been clouded with coruption, difficulty of project performance, and ambiguous procurement practices. As a result, the continuation ot this stumbling project has been pul in ieopardy. This paper discusses ths general background and difficulties of using KM in Thailand's educational development.

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How to Cite
Klaewthanong, T., & Phayrkkasirimwin, N. (2016). ls Knowledgle Managlenent Performance in Thailand’s educational institutions really the path to success ?. Parichart Journal, 23(1), 71–82. Retrieved from
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