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อิทธิวัตร ศรีสมบัติ
พนา จินดาศรี


             The present research aimed to study a ljving of forejgn couptes in Surin
province both before marrying and after marrying. Furthermore, the research
also studied ideas of people on a living of foreign couple in a communjty basing
on a qualjtative research methodology. There were 2 groups of jnformants in the
study: 1) foreign coupres, and 2) oihers who have a rerationship with foreign
couples or have an importanl role in a community. Data were collected by a
participation of activities, interview, observalion, and picturing from various
informants covering all part of the studying area. The research atso conducted in
a different time in order to get credibje information.
              The study found that the studying area consists of 132 foreign couples(German is at the highest number follows by English and Ameflcanl wnere 4couples are living in the area. However,2 persons from 2 couples djed. Thestudy also revealed that Surin women get to know a foreigner from 4 ways:working as a massager at a beach; working in bars, pubs, or restaurants;introducing by councits; and using the internet. Mostly, Surin women ttve wtththeir husbands in a Ioreign country and return home sometimes. Ihe significantresult of a trans-national marriage js on economic status. people in a communityworry about a family's strength; however, foreign couples are accepreo byvrllagers. Villagers also said that this is one way to promote the Thai culture tothe world.

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How to Cite
ศรีสมบัติ อ., & จินดาศรี พ. (2016). ชีวิตคู่สมรสชาวต่างชาติในจังหวัดสุรินทร์. Parichart Journal, 23(2), 55–66. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/parichartjournal/article/view/70109
Research Articles