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ณฐพงศ์ จิตรนิรัตน์


The main objective of this article was to study and analyze a developmentconcept and approach to community security in the southernmost provlnces'study adopted qualitative research methodology, based on human securlty and development for communlty securlty concepls.
         The study revealed that current security and peace resolution of the southernviolent and insurgency was defined and positioned under narrow security concept that was unable to respond to local needs and lacked local people participatlon.
         Chumchonsattha Network or Kampung Taqwa which was founded fromlearning experiences of local communities through their participatory developmentprocess was formed based on concept of religious and faith leaded development'a development model of "The Four Pillar Leaders", the communrty-centereddevelopment, and the approach to encourage a iocal cornmunity transformationto support a change in power balancing and peace building Developmentof the model encouraged dynamic toward community security at both communityand network levels. This helped to create the community security which was"Chumchonsattha ldentity" that addressed economic, social, political, envrronrnenlal and spiflt,ral asoects of the local communrty
            Nevertheless, Chumchonsattha Network as a local communlty movementshould continue strengthening its local capacity and capability includlng awarenessand realizing a shared value as Chumchonsattha identity' As a result the networkwould enhance local insurgency resolution from community level to policy levelwhile tackling power structure in oppressing The network should seek for asuitable support and disseminate its ideology to general public to express alocal initrative security from possible opportunities that could be an allernatrve for the reconstruction of the community.

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How to Cite
จิตรนิรัตน์ ณ. (2016). การพัฒนาเพื่อสร้างความมั่นคงของชุมชนในจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้. Parichart Journal, 24(2), 11–30. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/parichartjournal/article/view/70115
Research Articles