พฤติกรรมและปัจจัยกำหนดค่าใช้จ่ายในการเติมไบโอดีเซลของผู้บริโภคในภาคใต้ของประเทศไทย : กรณีศึกษาจังหวัดสงขลา กระบี่และตรัง
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Biodiesel is currently the most widely accepted altemative energy due to negative impacts of asymrnetry of supply and demand lbr oil. The objectives ofthis research were to investigate consumers' socio-economic characteristics and their behaviors, and to analyze factors determining consumers' expenditures on biodiesel in southem Thailand using a case study in Songkhla, Krabi and Trang provinces. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. The samples consisted of 303 biodiesel consumels, 101 obse ations per province, These sampled were selected using the accidental sanrpling technique. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression were used as analytical
tools. The results found that majority of consumers were male with an average age of 35 years. Their average expenditure on biodiesel was 1,123 baht per time. The most imporlant reason for biodiesel using was related to its price (i.e., biodiesel was cheaper than diesel oil). Most consumers used B5 biodiesel. Statically signilicant factors determiniog consumers'expenditures on biodiesel were number of biodiesel car and frequency of biodiesel lilling. The results are useful for biodiesel entreFeneurs to formulate their appropriate marketing strategies for biodiesel.