The Dynamic Effects of Government Expenditures on the Output of the Non-Agricultural Sector

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Warawut Watcharasorn
Nakorn Yimsirivattana
Sompong Oraphin
Boonserm Boonchorenphool


In this thesis researcher analyses secondary data quarterly Silence into 1997-2015 total 76 quarterly for estimate by independent variable fourth number. while dependent variable fourteen number non-agricultural sectoral branch. And the Analysis Error Correction Model induce result Speed adjustment short run change independent variable adjust effect at all non-agricultural sectoral branch

1. Government expenditures (GE) has affect cause coefficient between 0.194355-0.981357 unit per quarterly maximum score is production externally section agriculture Construction (CQN) = 0.981357 unit per quarterly has minimum score is production externally section agriculture Hotels and Restaurants (HOQN) 0.194355 unit.

2. Price index (PI) has affect cause coefficient between 0.138613-0.896425 unit per quarterly maximum score is production externally section agriculture Private Households with Employed Persons(PBQN) = 0.896425 unit per quarterly has minimum score is production externally section agriculture Health and Social Work (HEQN) = 0.138613 unit.

3. Interest rate (IR) has affect cause coefficient between 0.135302-0.882191 unit per quarterly maximum score is production externally section agriculture Other Community, Social and Personal Service Activities (OHQN) = 0.882191 unit per quarterly has minimum score is production externally section agriculture Financial Intermediation (FIQN) = 0.135302 unit.

4. Exchange rate (ER) has affect cause coefficient between 0.110435-0.934375 unit per quarterly maximum score is production externally section agriculture Mining and Quarrying (MAQN) = 0.934375 unit per quarterly has minimum score is production externally section Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EQN) = 0.110435 unit.

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How to Cite
Watcharasorn, W., Yimsirivattana, N., Oraphin, S., & Boonchorenphool, B. (2019). The Dynamic Effects of Government Expenditures on the Output of the Non-Agricultural Sector. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 9(1), 169–181. retrieved from
Research Article


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