Tax Incentive with Tangible Benefits of the Auto Parts Promoted by Thailand’s Board of Investment

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Laksamee Ngammeesri


The research objectives were (1) to study the tangible benefits of Production had been promoted auto parts by BOI (2) To determine the tangible benefits of the government to encourage investment auto parts business. (3) to study the influence of the tax incentive had been promoted by BOI towards the tangible benefits. (4) to study advantages and disadvantages of offering tax incentives of BOI to manufacturing firms. Carried out this inquiry, involving both quantitative and qualitative researches. The sample consisted of 52 companies that have been promoted by BOI. Data for studying the Company’s financial statements in fiscal year 2012-2016, and. Used mean, percentile and multiple regression analysis.

The research findings were as follows :

Results tangible benefits divided into financial analysis, summed of the net present valueis positive 36,448,331,511.41 baht, which comparable with the investment 1 baht returned 1.20 baht. 19.72% was internal rate of return higher than the average interest rate MLR. and internal rate of return-7.00%, lower interest rates on government bonds.

In hypothesis testing, that exemption of corporate income tax, tax exemption on scrap reduction had positively influence on the tangible benefits of the business, but income tax exemption from sales of scrap had a negative influence on the tangible benefits of the business. and tax exemption of on scrap reduction has a positive influence on the tangible benefits of the government.

Corporate income taxes exemption was a benefit caused to the most tangible benefits of business and the tax incentive of tax allowance and double-deduction of the expenses do not have been affected to the tangible benefits of the business. and BOI should increase the tax incentives for exemption on scrap reduction because it will result the tangible benefits of the business and result in the government benefiting from tax exemption on scrap reduction.

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How to Cite
Ngammeesri, L. (2018). Tax Incentive with Tangible Benefits of the Auto Parts Promoted by Thailand’s Board of Investment. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 8(S), 171–186. retrieved from
Research Article


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