Co-Creation in Branding with Customer: Social Commerce Tools, Social Support, and Intention to Co-Creation in Branding

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Prasittichai Narakorn
Tummatina Seesuphan


The objective of this research are (1) to study components as follows: Rating & Reviews, Forum & Recommendation, Social Support, and Intention to Co-Creation in Branding (2) to examine factors influencing the mediating role of Social Support between Rating & Reviews and Intention to Co-Creation in Branding and (3) to examine factors influencing the mediating role of Social Support between Forum & Communities and Intention to Co-Creation in Branding. The research used qualitative method to 400 customers who buy products from online business and analysis by descriptive statistics-mean, percentage, SD and inferential statistics-Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis by AMOS.

The research revealed that:

1. The model was consistent to the empirical data. Goodness of fit measures found to be: χ2 = 78.893, df = 64, p-value = .129, χ2/df = 1.201, GFI = 0.974, IFI = .996, CFI = .996, RMSEA = 0.020.

2. The influence of Social Support as Partial Mediating Effect relationship between Rating & Reviews and Intention to Co-Creation in Branding.

3. The influence of Social Support as Full Mediating Effect relationship between Forum & Communities and Intention to Co-Creation in Branding.

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How to Cite
Narakorn, P., & Seesuphan, T. (2019). Co-Creation in Branding with Customer: Social Commerce Tools, Social Support, and Intention to Co-Creation in Branding. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 9(1), 251–267. retrieved from
Research Article


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