The New Dimension of Travel with the Use of Technology In Automated Passenger Clearance System

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Sarawut Sirikajohndechsakun


This academic article aims to analyze the new dimension of travel with the use of technology in automated passenger clearance system. Today society is full of data, information and borderless communications. Due to communication technology is modern and people are able to connect the world without barriers of time, distance and personal information retrieval, the Immigration Office therefore has a policy to initiate the concept of an automatic passport detection system, an automated border control system widely used by many countries, to support the expansion of tourists and support the expansion of labors to increase the capability of facilitations, speed of service, reduce the congestion problem and delays in passport verification.

The analysis results showed that there is an important link between social influences and innovativeness in technologies. They are important factors for technology acceptance. The technology acceptance model comprises five main factors: external variables, perceived usefulness of technology, perceived ease of use, attitude toward the use and relationship between theoretical factor and planned behavioral theory. All factors are correlated leading to the actual use of technologies. This will cause an behavioral intention of customer continuously.

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How to Cite
Sirikajohndechsakun, S. (2020). The New Dimension of Travel with the Use of Technology In Automated Passenger Clearance System. Ph.D. In Social Sciences Journal, 10(3), 571–584. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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