Achievement Model of Policy Implementation on Housing Projects for the Low Income Earners Prachuabkirikhan Province

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Prasit Pannimitjitsamarn
Vorsit Charernputh
Hakuan Choopen


This research article aims to study (1) Successes of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low Income Earners Policy. (2) Compare successes of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low income earners Policy (3) Correlation among critical successes factors with successes of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low Income Earners Policy, and forecasting successes of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low income earners Policy, and (4) introduce Achievement Model of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low Income Earners Policy. Document analysis and nonparticipation observation. In depth interviewed was done with 17 specific key informants. Sample were 500 Low income earners in Prachuabkirikhan Province, calculated by descriptive and Inferential statistics were used as analytical means.

Findings are as follows: (1) Successes of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low Income Earners policy were high levels. (2) there were a significant different among attitude of respondents toward successes of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low Income Earners Policy at. 05 statistical level. (3) There were a positive significant correlation among critical successes factors with successes of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low Income Earners Policy at. 05 statistical level and forecasted successes of Policy implementation on Housing Projects for the Low income earner at 74.5 percent. And (4) Success Model of implementation on Housing Projects for the Low income earners Policy were; monthly earners of interested persons (example), standard and objectives, intercommunication and enforcement activities, characteristics and determination of of the implementing agencies, leadership, funding resources, quality of product and marketing.

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How to Cite
Pannimitjitsamarn, P., Charernputh, V., & Choopen, H. (2020). Achievement Model of Policy Implementation on Housing Projects for the Low Income Earners Prachuabkirikhan Province. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 10(3), 721–732. retrieved from
Research Article


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