The Effects of Work Stress on the Intention to Quit: A Case Study of Thailand Automobile Parts Industry

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Pasit Tititanaras
Prayong Meejaisue
Wirut Sanguawongwan
Norapol Jinandej


This research aimed to study the effects of work stress on job satisfaction, quality of working life, organizational membership behavior, and the intention to quit in Thai automobile parts industry by studying Job satisfaction to quality of working life, to the organizational membership behavior, and on the intention to quit. Including the Quality of work-life, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and the intention to quit. And Organizational and membership behavior on the intention to quit the jobs by using mix-methods research, qualitative research by in-depth interviews of 6 high and middle level executives and 4 group interviews totaling 15 people. Data were analyzed by content analysis. and quantitative research from 500 samples of personnel in the automobile parts industry. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation model analysis.

The results showed that: the impact of work stress on the intention to quit had the most positive direct effect of 0.381 with the total effect of 0.443 followed by job satisfaction towards the intention to quit, had negative direct effect of –0.320, and the total effect was –0.436, respectively.

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How to Cite
Tititanaras, P., Meejaisue, P., Sanguawongwan, W., & Jinandej, N. (2021). The Effects of Work Stress on the Intention to Quit: A Case Study of Thailand Automobile Parts Industry. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 11(3), 693–706. retrieved from
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