SPEED Model Strategy that Affects Trust and Purchase Intention for OTOP Products in Nonthaburi Province

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Khatawut Sangkhamart


This research article aims to (1) study the factors of the SPEED Model strategy that influences trust in OTOP products, (2) study the factors of the SPEED Model strategy that influence the intention to purchase OTOP products, and (3) study trust product that influences the intention to purchase OTOP products. By conducting mixed methods research (Mixed Method), the quantitative research population was customers who purchased OTOP products in Nonthaburi Province, a total of 400 people, using a questionnaire. To analyze statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation. and structural equation model analysis. The qualitative research population is OTOP product entrepreneurs in Nonthaburi Province, totaling 5 people and 3 experts by interviewing in a focus group. for descriptive analysis.

Findings are as follows: (1) SPEED Model (SPD) strategy has a positive influence on trust (TRU), (2) SPEED Model (SPD) strategy has a positive influence on purchase intention (PUC), and (3) trust (TRU) has a positive influence on purchase intention (PUC). It is consistent with empirical data, with a p-value of 0.061. The variables in the model can explain the consistency index at 94.60 percent. And in the qualitative research section the research results found that not confident that the operator will be able to carry out the strategic plan continuously This is because they may lack resources and long-term support. This results in limitations in the actual implementation of strategies.

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How to Cite
Sangkhamart, K. (2024). SPEED Model Strategy that Affects Trust and Purchase Intention for OTOP Products in Nonthaburi Province. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 14(3), 718–731. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phdssj/article/view/269511
Research Article


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