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พัชรินทร์ รักสัตย์
มนฑิรา ธาดาอำนวยชัย
ธรรญธร ปัญญโสภณ


The purposes of the research were to 1) To study the reporting process of entertainment news editors and its effects on the selection of news, the management of the styles of content and channels of communication, and the roles of entertainment news editors in the age of media convergence; and 2) To examine the reporting process of entertainment news reporters, sources of news, factors that facilitate the access to in-depth news, news reporting from the field, and qualifications of entertainment news reporters in the age of media convergence.

The data were collected from 4 entertainment news editors, 10 entertainment news reporters with over 10 years of experience, and 5 individuals in the entertainment industry (actors, actresses, and presenters). Such data were collected using an in-depth interview that comprised of goal-oriented conversations, along with a selected list of documents with an emphasis on the study of the styles and channels of communication of news through television and social media.

According to the results, it was evident that the entertainment news agency did not use social media merely as a means to extend the channels of communication from television broadcasting. Rather, entertainment news programs had been produced to be specifically broadcasted via an online channel, such as Line TV, Facebook, websites, and YouTube. Such transformation affected the reporting process of entertainment news in the age of media convergence. In particular, editors must correspond to the needs of the audience by presenting news that the society had an interest in at that point in time. Hence, editors were responsible for filtering the accuracy of information and developing a plan to ensure a variety of content styles under each news headline in order to be effectively broadcasted in both the original channel and social media. Alternatively, entertainment news reporters must possess a set of skills in the process of producing and presenting news. Each news reporter must be able to search for news, conduct interviews, capture images, edit videos, compile and write stories, and use communication devices to relay news to the public through all social media platforms.

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How to Cite
รักสัตย์ พ., ธาดาอำนวยชัย ม., & ปัญญโสภณ ธ. (2018). REPORTING PROCESS OF ENTERTAINMENT NEWS ON TELEVISION IN THE AGE OF CONVERGENCE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY. Ph.D. In Social Sciences Journal, 8(2), 176–190. Retrieved from
Research Article


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