The Factors Development of Nurse Engagement for Advance Level Hospital in Health Service Provider Area 6
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study about main factors and sub-factors of employee engagement model, 2) to develop the indicators of being employee engagement of nurse, 3) to develop learning employee engagement of nurse model and 4) to evaluate consistency of developed employee engagement of nurse model by empirical data. The research consisted of four steps as (1) find the main factors, sub-factors and indicators of employee engagement, (2) confirm factors of employee engagement by facilitate a focus group and find validity and reliability by 30 experts, (3) find factors and indicators of employee engagement and (4) evaluate being employee engagement of nurse model. The sample consisted of 331 nurses from hospitals in health service provider area 6. Statistical analysis using Structural Equation Modeling by computer software.
The result of the study indicated that there were three factors as Behavioral Engagement, Affective Engagement and Continuance Engagement are important factors of employee engagement of nurse model for health service provider area 6 using Structural Equation Modeling. The result yield that the factor of employee engagement of nurse model is consistent with empirical data (Chi-square =23.68) and insignificant at .05 level (p-value =.20886). Relative Chi-square is 1.246, GFI is .98 and RMSEA is .027. Coefficients of all factors of employee engagement of nurse model are positive. All factors are significant at .01 level indicate that all indicators relate with the factors significantly. So, summarize is the model is highly consistent with empirical data. The result also yield that, in the employee engagement of nurse model for health service provider area 6, there are three main factors, nine sub-factors and forty indicators.
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