Development of an Instructional Activity Package Based on the Problem-solving Process for Electromagnetic Wave Education

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Warinee Weerasin
Somsak Akatimagool


The objectives of this research were 1) the quality of developed instructional activity package based on problem solving process for electromagnetic wave education, 2) to test the performance of instructional activity package based on problem solving process with the standard criterion of 75/75 and 3) to evaluate the students’ satisfaction in using the instructional activity package. The samples of this study were 19 of industrial technology program in electronic and telecommunication engineering, faculty of industrial education, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra-Nakhon, first semester year 2016, by using simple purposive sampling students who registered the electromagnetic wave course. The research tools were the instructional activity package based on problem solving process for electromagnetic wave education consists of teacher’s manual, instructional package, and achievement tests. Quality measurement of the instruments was based on validity, reliability, item difficulty and discrimination. Moreover, Data was analyzed by educational statistics including the mean, standard deviation and E1/E2 efficiency.

The research results shown that 1) the quality of developed instructional activity package based on problem solving process for electromagnetic wave education was high appropriate (gif.latex? =4.20, S.D.=0.21), 2) the performance (E1/E2) of developed instructional activity package was equal to 74.90/75.06 which was consistent with the standard criterion of 75/75 and 3) the students' satisfaction using an instructional activity package based on problem solving process for electromagnetic wave education was at high level ( =4.36,S.D.=0.33). The overall the developed instructional activity package based on problem solving process for electromagnetic wave education can be used effectively in the teaching of telecommunication engineering education.

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How to Cite
Weerasin, W., & Akatimagool, S. (2019). Development of an Instructional Activity Package Based on the Problem-solving Process for Electromagnetic Wave Education. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 48–59. Retrieved from
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