The Development of Change Agent Behavior Indicators of Learning Program Heads of Expansion Education Schools in the Three Southern Border Province
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The aims of this research were to investigate behaviors, elements, and behavioral indicators of transformational leadership and to weigh the importance of behavioral indicators of transformational leadership of department heads in Opportunity Expansion Schools in three southernmost provinces. The research was divided into two phases. In the first phase, pertinent documents and in-depth interviews were analyzed and synthesized in order to study behaviors of transformational leaders, which was evaluated by nine experts. Subsequently, questionnaires were used to investigate behavioral elements and indicators of transformational leadership of department heads in opportunity expansion schools in three southernmost provinces. The validity (CVI) and reliability of questionnaires were equal to .91 and .988 respectively. The data were collected through 432 respondents and subsequently analyzed using exploratory factors by means of Varimax. In the second phase, weighing the importance of each behavioral indicator of transformational leaders was measured by means of questionnaires given to 30 department heads in opportunity expansion schools in three southernmost provinces. The minimum position categories of the department heads were at the senior professional level. By comparing indicators.
The study found: indicated six elements and 48 indicators of transformational leadership behaviors of the department heads in opportunity expansion schools in three southernmost provinces which are enumerated below: Element 1: Leadership behaviors pertaining to identity and 17 indicators. Element 2: Leadership behaviors pertaining to self-development and 12 indicators. Element 3: Leadership behaviors pertaining to teaching and learning management techniques and 7 indicators. Element 4: Leadership behaviors pertaining to techniques and 5 indicators. Element 5: Leadership behaviors pertaining to teaching and learning management techniques and 4 indicators. Element 6: Leadership behaviors pertaining to education and 3 indicators. The study of weighing the important found the results demonstrated the average, ranging from 3.77-4.37. On average, all indicators pointed to the high level.
Keywords : Change Agent Behavior Indicators / Learning Program Heads / Three Southern Border Provinces
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