Reflection of Southerners’ Local Lottery Purchasing Performance from Southern Literature Published in 1947s-1967s

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Phatchalin Jeennoon


This article aimed to study the reflection of southerners’ local lottery purchasing performance from southern literature published in 1947s-1967s (9 literatures), including aspects of behavior, causes, effects, and methods of persuading people to quit playing gamble based on authors’ experiences. This article is a documentary research that was presented in descriptive statistics. The findings found that southern literary authors reflected the behaviors of local people buying lottery. They sought for numbers from many sources such as animals, places, trees, holy things, and dreams. In addition, the causes of taking chance on local lottery derived from its popularity, desire for money, poverty background, and downturn of monastery institution. Buying lottery affected the purchasers themselves and society. It led to loosing jobs, feeling sorrow, being broken, facing family problems, and hurting themselves. Also, it affected the community; increasing more criminals, which could bring more difficulties to manage the area. The method of persuading people to quit purchasing lottery were to directly tell or advise them by pointing out on principles and beliefs in Buddhism, comparing its advantages and disadvantages of buying lottery, and using personal experience with lottery to teach lessons. This study revealed that buying local lottery, a kind of gambling, was common in Thai society since the government released new policy to support this kind of gambling. Until now, the lottery is still popular. It affects locals’ lives and people around them; therefore, people in the society have to collaboratively find the way to solve this problem.

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How to Cite
Jeennoon, P. (2020). Reflection of Southerners’ Local Lottery Purchasing Performance from Southern Literature Published in 1947s-1967s. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 174–188. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Phatchalin Jeennoon, Thaksin university

Thai department, Humanities and Social sciences, Thaksin University Thailand 90000


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