Needs assessment and Formative Leadership development methods of the School Directors under Primary Educational Service
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The purpose of this research to assess the needs of formative leadership and methods of development
of formative leadership of school administrators under primary education service area office. The sample
consisted of 375 school administrators using multi-stage random sampling. The tools used for collecting data
were Formative leadership questionnaire with individual consistency index 0.88 which the process began in
january 2018. The tools used to collect data were: the present and desirable condition of formative leadership
questionnaire and methods of development formative leadership questionnaire. Data were analyzed using
frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired - sample t - test, modified priority needs index (PNImodified). The results revealed that most administrators needed to develop formative leadership skills: communication,
creativity, team working and being a leader of leaders, with PNImodified = 0.231, 0.189, 0.184 and 0.164,
respectively. For development of formative leadership skills, the participants suggested proactive training
to develop the skills of school directors to be effective (x= 4.49, S.D. = 0.73).
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