Measuring of Damage from Poultry Farming Industries in Evaporative Air Cooling System (EVAP) in Nanod Municipality, Muang District, Phatthalung
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This paper aimed to estimate damages resulting from poultry farming in EVAP system in Nanod
Municipality, Amphur Muang, Phatthalung and to analyze differences of damages occurring in each direction
and distance, for example, from poultry farms to local residences. Data were collected from 400 residents, who received some impacts from the farming and located in Moo 1, 6 and 10 in Nanod Municipality, Amphur Muang, Phatthalung and then analyzed using t-test and One-Way ANOVA. The findings found that the total damages including health, business, and psychological impacts in Moo 6 were higher than Moo 1 and Moo 10, with statistically significant difference. The damage of health was impacted the highest, followed by psychological and business impacts. Moreover, the geographic factors such as distance and direction could affect the damage significantly. In fact, the residences located nearby the poultry farms about 0.00 to 0.50 kilometer were impacted the most (298 baht/person), and the residents on the west of the farms were impacted the most (338 baht/person). From these results, the municipality should consider the location of EVAP poultry farms by relocating the farms away from residential areas at least 0.50 kilometer and locating on the west of residential areas in order to establish sustainable living.
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