Development of prevention model of corruption in local administration organization
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The objectives of this research were to develop factors of corruption prevention and to analyze factors
influencing on corruption prevention in the local government organizations. This was a mixed-method research. The study was conducted in 2 phases. The first phase was to develop corruption prevention
components by in - depth interviewing 7 experienced people. The second phase was to analyze factors influencing
corruption prevention in local government organizations using questionnaires to collect data. The sample
consisted of 250 government officials which included administrators and personnels in procurement,
infrastructure construction, finance and accounting, services and personnel management department from Khon Kaen Provincial Administration Organization, Tha Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Ban Kong Subdistrict Administration Organization, and Roi Et Municipality. The questionnaires were also used to collect data from 250 service receivers from the local government organizations during research conducting period.
The results found that the components of corruption prevention were good governance, transformational
leadership and community potential development. It showed that good governance directly led to zero
corruption, transformational leadership had direct influence on good governance, and community potential
development directly related to good governance. The result of validation of the model's consistency with
the empirical data was X2 / df = 2.941, GFI = .920, AGFI = .880, CFI = .964, and RSEA = .074. This was indicated
that the developed model conformed to the empirical data.
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