A Learning Management Model to Enhance Technical Student Teachers’ Abilities in Preparing Lesson Plans Using Research Base Approach
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The objectives of this research were 1) to develop learning management model 2) to develop tools for learning model and 3) to evaluate the implementation of learning management model to enhance technical student teachers' abilities in preparing lesson plan using research base approach. The instructional document was evaluated in aspect of suitability of model and quality of tools by 5 experts. The learning management model was tried out with 19 technical student teachers from the Department of Mechatronic Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya. The instruments used in the study were assessment form to assess suitability, quality, ability, satisfaction and data record form. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, percentage and T-Score. Research was found that 1) the overall suitability of the learning management model was at a high level, 2) the overall quality of an instructional document was at a high level and 3) technical student teachers’ abilities in preparing lesson plan in overall was at a high level, and the overall satisfaction of teaching was at a very high level. The overall students’ learning progress, seeing from the lesson plans were higher than the aimed score of 40% in all lesson plans.
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