Simulation of Queuing Systems: A case study of the gynecological clinic, Songkhlanagarind hospital
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The research proposed to improve the queuing systems and investigated the system effectiveness by implementing the model systems in 7 gynecological clinic units, Songkhlanagarind hospital. The first-come-first-serve (FCFS) queuing model was implemented in order to reduce patients’ waiting time. The data were collected from a sample of 354 people, using a convenient sample selection method, selected from a population of 4,500 people. The collected data included the personal data and the time the patient was admitted in service unit until the patient leaves the unit between 01 October and 31 October 2019, only on working days for a total period of 22 days. The data were used to develop the queuing systems with Arena Simulation program.
The results showed that the queuing system model of gynecological clinic unit at Songkhlanagarind hospital were implemented in total 5 patterns which included one original pattern and 4 new developed patterns. It appeared that the third new pattern was the most efficient. The third new pattern required to change service time of medical practitioners and nurses in appointment and prescription section from the original service time (9:00 to 12:00) to the new service time (8:30 to 12.00) and requested an additional medical practitioner and two additional nurses; each located in screening section and appointment/prescription section. This helped fasten patients’ waiting time from 58.29 to 51.05 minutes. The reduction percentage of waiting time was 12.42 pecent, and the average of service time was reduced from 102.80 to 96.49 minuntes, approximately 6.14 percent reduction.
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