The Relationship between Financial Reporting Quality and Business Performance of the Hotel Business in Bangkok

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Kanchana Boonlek
Pannisa Tongob
Praphaporn Lapjit
Rungnapa Sukjit
Tarinee Nolla
Thitima Phatthong
Achiraya Thongbun
Ruerngladda Wongsomsri
Supapan Saithong-in


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between financial reporting quality and business performance of hotel business in Bangkok. Data were collected from 109 complete questionnaires. Statistic methods used for data analysis comprised percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.

The results showed that the financial reporting quality towards economic decision-making, considered by qualitative characteristics of useful financial information, included the aspect of understandability, verifiability and comparability, had a positive relationship with business performance of the hotel business in Bangkok, with statistical significance at .05. In contrast, the timeliness did not have positive relationship with business performance of the hotel business in Bangkok. This study can be beneficial to hotel businesses in Bangkok in supporting the development of accounting systems that will lead to the preparation of quality financial report, and be used as backup information to consider any  business deals. To expand the scope of study, future research should focus on the 5 stars, 4 stars or 3 stars hotel business as well as hotel business in large cities among tourist attraction places

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How to Cite
Boonlek, K., Tongob, P., Lapjit, P., Sukjit, R., Nolla, T., Phatthong, T., Thongbun, A., Wongsomsri, R. ., & Saithong-in, S. (2020). The Relationship between Financial Reporting Quality and Business Performance of the Hotel Business in Bangkok. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 131–157. Retrieved from
Research Article


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