Preparation of Youths for Thailand 4.0

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Moohammad Waleng


Preparation for Thailand 4.0 is necessary and important especially for the youths. Being prepared for the change can lead to more opportunity and advantages. It is needed to be prepared in several aspects, for example, knowledge and digital skills. In addition, skills development should be focused; to encourage to study in vocational college which emphasizes on job-specific training.
Thailand 4.0 has created many challenges for Thai youths in aspect of preparation for upcoming challenges. If there is no preparation in advance, it could cause them to struggle in adjustment to the living environment. Therefore, this paper presents about the preparation of youths for Thailand 4.0.

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How to Cite
Waleng, M. (2020). Preparation of Youths for Thailand 4.0. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 275–287. Retrieved from
Academic articles


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