Marketing Mix Factors and Consumer’s Behavior of Fresh Coffee in Songkhla municipality, Songkhla Province

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Jantima Janead


This study aims 1) to investigate the personal factors of fresh coffee consumer in Songkhla municipality and 2) to compare the personal factors and the fresh coffee consuming behavior. The sample includes 400 fresh coffee consumers in Songkhla municipality who are selected on accidental random sampling technique. A questionnaire is used in collecting data, and data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Also, the factor correlation was analyzed by hypothesis testing and chi-square statistics.
The findings are as follows: according to the personal factors, most of the fresh coffee consumers are female, undergraduate students, age ranges between 20 - 30 years, and earn monthly income between 25,001- 30,000 Baht. The taste of coffee is the most important reason for them to consume which they consume about 2-3 cups of fresh coffee a week. On the personal factors aspect such as gender, age, and monthly income had effect on the respondents’ behavior of fresh coffee consuming statistically significant difference at 0.05 level. The marketing mix factors on price and physical environment, the fresh coffee consumers rate the importance at the highest level, and the place of distribution is at the lowest level. Moreover, the marketing mix factors on the product, price, physical environment, service process, and the place of distribution aspects had statistically significant correlation with the fresh coffee consuming behavior at 0.01 level.
The findings can be used as guidelines to develop the products and services by the fresh coffee entrepreneurs in responding to their customer’s needs in the future, and This will directly increase local people’s income.

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How to Cite
Janead, J. . (2022). Marketing Mix Factors and Consumer’s Behavior of Fresh Coffee in Songkhla municipality, Songkhla Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 58–75. Retrieved from
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