The Social Capital and Community Financial Organization of Nikompattana Village 7, Tachamuang Sub-district Rattaphum District Songkhla Province

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์Nattha Lertpanyawiwat
Wanchai Dhammasaccakarn
Aim-on Jiaramat
Thitipat Boonpok


This article aims to study how social capital is related to community financial organization.   This was a qualitative case study. Data were collected by an in-depth interview with the village headman involved in social capital in Nikom Pattana Village 7, Thachamuang sub-district, Rattaphum district, Songkhla province. Moreover, the data were collected by semi-structure   interview with villagers who are members and are not members of the community financial organization The data analysis, was done by classifying the data, grouping the data and  synthesizing relationship of information. The results of the study showed that the social capital of   Nikom Pattana Village 7 is related to the management of the community financial organization, the Savings for Production Group. First, the social capital in aspect of network brings together the formation of a saving group for production. There is cooperation in being a member of the saving          group's committee. The next one is social capital in aspect of social norms. Since the group’s  committee works with trust and built strong relationship in the group, the group members believe in the committee’s management. With trust, the members make deposits with the Savings for Production Group. These reflect social capital of the strong community in terms of social norms, network and community group which brings the formation of the community’s saving group. The  saving group helps improve local people’s well-being and support occupational groups in local community. According to this, several occupational groups such as community gas station and water plants for consumption are created and help generate income for the villagers and community

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How to Cite
Lertpanyawiwat ์., Dhammasaccakarn, W. ., Jiaramat, A.- on ., & Boonpok, T. (2022). The Social Capital and Community Financial Organization of Nikompattana Village 7, Tachamuang Sub-district Rattaphum District Songkhla Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 133–152. Retrieved from
Research Article


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