Cultural Resources in Agriculture and the Current Agriculture: the Two Parallel Sides of the Karen Ethnic Group in Bongti Bon village, Tumbol Bongti, Amphur Saiyok, Kanchanaburi

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Thanakorn Thiengnoi
Plengsuree Thiengnoi
Pornpimon Onsri
Adisak Suebthamma


The agricultural production system of the Karen ethnic groups in Bongti Bon Village, Tumbol Bongti, Aumphur Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi has two parallel sides. Firstly, the production of upland rice, which is still being produced in a shifting cultivation on the foothills. There is still a story about a variety of beliefs in the resource-rich rice production system of agricultural culture, which the main idea of the rice production is to be kept for family consumption. There is a powerful connection between the rice production system and the culture traditions since the preparation for planting maintenance of production plots until the harvest and after the harvest. These data reflect the traditional agricultural cultural resources of the Karen ethnic groups living in the area that are still bound with the traditional culture of ancestors. Secondly, the other production system that runs parallel to the agricultural production system of the Karen ethnic groups in Bongti Bon village, is Monoculture or chemical agricultural production system. The target of this system is for making money to be enough for daily expenses. In contrast with the first system, the Monoculture or chemical agricultural production system has no cultural connection, but rather focus on making a living. The research shows that the Karen ethnic groups in Bongti Bon village are highly adapted to live in parallel cultures, Thai culture and traditional culture. However, there are a number of problems that cause the culture associated with the rice production of the Karen ethnic groups in Bong Di Bon village will begin to deteriorate and may eventually disappear. This also affects changes in consumption in the family. From the research results, the information can be used to promote the benefits of food security among the Karen ethnic groups, and to create an understanding of food production of the Karen ethnic groups in Thailand in order to reduce conflicts in the matter, the land use for food production of Karen ethnic groups in Thailand.

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Thiengnoi, T. ., Thiengnoi, P. ., Onsri, P. ., & Suebthamma, A. . (2022). Cultural Resources in Agriculture and the Current Agriculture: the Two Parallel Sides of the Karen Ethnic Group in Bongti Bon village, Tumbol Bongti, Amphur Saiyok, Kanchanaburi. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 252–273. Retrieved from
Research Article


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