Development of Reading, Critical Thinking, and Writing Skills for Students in Ban Krueso School using the KRU-DEE Model

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Wisana Abdulloh


This research study aims 1) to study the development of the reading, critical thinking, and writing skills of students using the KRU-DEE-Model, 2) to study the level of participation of teachers, parents, representatives from the Basic Education Commission, and the local community toward the reading, critical thinking, and writing skills of students using the KRU-DEE Model and 3) to study the level of satisfaction of teachers, parents, representatives from the Basic Education Commission and the local community toward the reading, critical thinking, and writing skills of students using the KRU-DEE Model. The groups of samples were 17 teachers, 78 parents, 13 representatives from the Basic Education Commission, and 12 local people living in the community Data were collected during the academic year of 2019 and of 2020. The instruments used for this research were questionnaires, with rating scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics as percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The result revealed as follows: 1) For the development of the reading, critical thinking, and writing skills for students using the KRU-DEE-Model, according to the opinions of teachers, parents, the Basic Education Commission representatives and the local representatives were found at a high level in the academic year of 2019 and at the highest level in the following academic year. In the academic years of 2019 and 2020, the unity aspect received the highest score. 2) For the level of participation of teachers, parents, representatives from the Basic Education Commission and the local community was found at a high level in the academic year of 2019 and the unity aspect received the highest score. For the academic year of 2020, the level of participation from the participants was also shown at a high level and the evaluation aspect received the highest score. 3) For the levels of satisfaction of teachers, parents, representatives from the Basic Education Commission and the local community in the academic year of 2019 and 2020 were shown at a high level.

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How to Cite
Abdulloh, W. (2022). Development of Reading, Critical Thinking, and Writing Skills for Students in Ban Krueso School using the KRU-DEE Model. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 153–169. Retrieved from
Research Article


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