Development of a Learning Handbook: The Renewable Energy for Communities in Southern Border Provinces

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Chamchuri Chunphun
Arreng Romae
Prapassorn Hayamin


This survey research aims 1) to develop a learning handbook The Renewable Energy for communities in southern border provinces, 2) to assess quality of the learning handbook and 3) to study the satisfaction of users toward the learning handbook in the southern border provinces. A sample of 274 members of Yakang community in Narathiwat province were selected using purposive sampling which its size was based on Krejcie and Morgan table. The research tools consisted of 1) the learning handbook The Renewable Energy, 2) a quality assessment form for the learning handbook and 3) the user satisfaction assessment form for the learning handbook The Renewable Energy. Data were analyzed using percentages, arithmetic mean, and standard deviations. The results showed that 1) the learning handbook can be used in Yakang community, Narathiwat province, 2) the learning handbook had the Index of Consistency (IOC) in terms of accuracy, content suitability, content illustrations, and language use between 0.70-1.00 which means the learning handbook is appropriated and consistent with validity and it can be implemented and 3) the satisfaction of users after learning from the learning handbook The Renewable Energy showed that the overall level was at a high level in terms of accuracy, content suitability, content illustrations and language use (mean = 4.45 and S.D. = 0.65).

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How to Cite
Chunphun, C., Romae, A., & Hayamin, P. (2022). Development of a Learning Handbook: The Renewable Energy for Communities in Southern Border Provinces. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 187–201. retrieved from
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