Development of Multimedia for Learning on Alternative Energy in Narathiwat Province for Students in Private Islamic Schools

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Arreng Romae
Chamchuri Chunphun
Onanong Isaranarakul


This research purposed 1) to develop multimedia for learning on Alternative Energy in Narathiwat Province for students in private Islamic schools, 2) to compare pre-test and post-test scores of learning achievement of students in which the multimedia was used in class and 3) to study the satisfaction of students studying with the multimedia for learning. The samples employed in this research were 169 senior high school students in private Islamic schools located in Narathiwat province, derived from simple random sampling. The tools used in this study consisted of 1) the multimedia for learning on Alternative Energy in Narathiwat Province, 2) a quality assessment form for the multimedia for learning, 3) pre-test and post-test for comparison of students’ learning achievement and 4) the satisfaction assessment form for students studying with the multimedia. Data were analyzed using percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviations and T-test.
The results illustrated that 1) the overall quality evaluation result of the multimedia for learning was at a high level (X =4.40, S.D.=0.49), 2) the scores of pre-test and post-test to assess learning achievement were found that the post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores with a statistical significance of .05 and 3) the overall satisfaction of students studying with the multimedia was at a high level (X =4.43, S.D.=0.55).

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How to Cite
Romae, A., Chunphun, C., & Isaranarakul, O. . (2022). Development of Multimedia for Learning on Alternative Energy in Narathiwat Province for Students in Private Islamic Schools. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 258–274. Retrieved from
Research Article


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