Elderly Care System Arrangement based on the Concept of Collaborative Governance: A case study of local government organizations and private organizations

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Thidarak Luecha
Teepatra Ekphachaisawat


Local government organizations play a major role in health care system for the elderly. However, the local government organizations have had limited budget and human resource. Therefore, it is necessary to seek cooperation from other agencies, especially the private sector, organizations with its ability and flexibility to work for the elderly. The objectives of this academic article were (1) to study a collaborative working between local government organizations and private organizations in managing the health care system for the elderly, based on the concept of collaborative governance and (2) to investigate factors affected its success.
The findings showed that the elderly care system consisted of four steps as follows: (1) Cooperation initiatives, (2) Motivation in working together, (3) Working with strategies and (4) Conflict management. The factors affecting the success of the elderly care system included (1) Facilitative leadership of local administrators, (2) Similarities of organization cultures and (3) Characteristics of private organizations.

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How to Cite
Luecha, T. . ., & Ekphachaisawat, T. . (2022). Elderly Care System Arrangement based on the Concept of Collaborative Governance: A case study of local government organizations and private organizations. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 274–294. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnuhuso/article/view/254561
Academic articles


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