Engagement of Generation Y’s Staff in International College, XYZ University

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Waraporn Srisuay
Wichet Khambunrat


DOI: 10.14456/pnuhuso.2023.3

      This research aims 1) to study the organizational engagement level of Generation Y staffs in International College, XYZ University and 2) to study factors that influencing organizational engagement level of Generation Y staff at International College, XYZ University. This study was conducted by an online survey with Google Form to 52 Generation Y staff, which 50 respondents (96.15% of total staff), replied the surveys back. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics; mean and standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis to find factors influencing organizational engagement. The result indicated that the level of organizational engagement of Generation Y staff at International College, XYZ University was at a high level with average of 3.69, and there were 3 main factors that affected the level of engagement; personal and social factors, environmental factors and organizational factors with a statistically significant level at .05. In terms of job characteristics, there was no significant effect to the organizational engagement level of Generation Y staff in International College, XYZ University. In addition, the suggestions for building employee engagement in the organization were improving Internal communication, leadership development, strengthening relationship between supervisors and subordinates, building good working environment within organization, supporting on systems and technology at work, encouraging on acquiring new knowledge and skills, having a reliable system of performance evaluation and a development plan of career path for employees.

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How to Cite
Srisuay, W., & Khambunrat, W. (2023). Engagement of Generation Y’s Staff in International College, XYZ University. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(2), 32–54. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnuhuso/article/view/261397
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