Approaches to Promote the Application of Wasatiyah for Conflict Management in Disagreement in Thai Muslim Society in the Three Southern Border Provinces

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Manoosak Touthern
Isma-ie katih


The objective of this study aims to study approaches to promote the application of Wasatiyah for conflict management in disagreement in Thai Muslim society in the three southern border provinces. The qualitative method was used starting from studying relevant documents and then conducting in-depth interviews on the causes and conditions of conflict stemming from the disagreement in Muslim-Thai society in the three southernmost provinces. The 27 key informants from nine groups were selected; each group was selected three members. The key informants included members of the Advisory Panel of the Shiekul Islam of Thailand, members of Islamic Committee of Thailand, members of Provincial Islamic Committee, members of Islamic Committee of masjids, executive members of Wasatiyah institutions or centers, Muslim scholars in higher education institutions, instructors or proprietor of Pondok educational institutions, administrators of private Islamic schools , intensive Islamic Studies lecturers and seminar speakers. The semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data. The data were analyzed with a content analysis.
The results indicated that approaches to promoting the use of Wasatiyah in the management of conflicts can be classified into 6 areas as follows: 1) Having sincerity and anticipating truth from different opinions, 2) Having a positive attitude towards dissidents, 3) Expressing different opinions with good manners, 4) Studying and reviewing the issues of disputes, 5) Being fair to oneself and not clinging to a particular view and 6) Considering the proprieties and common interests.

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How to Cite
Touthern, M., & katih, I.- ie . (2023). Approaches to Promote the Application of Wasatiyah for Conflict Management in Disagreement in Thai Muslim Society in the Three Southern Border Provinces. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1), 192–209. Retrieved from
Research Article


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