A Trends and Directions of Red Car Taxi Service in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Raweewan Patsamarn


A study on “The Trends in the future of red taxi service in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province” has the objectives: 1) to study the area of issue and the factors that affect red taxi services, 2) to study the behavior, attitude and the needs of red taxi services, and 3) to analyze the trends in the future of red taxi services. This study uses quantitative methods as a tool through interview questionnaires with 30 red taxi drivers and questionnaires of 400 red taxi passengers. The study shows that red taxi service is a non-stationary service that monopolizes the public transportation system in Mueang Chiang Mai District. There is various problem with the red taxi services, particularly the quality of service that has been steadily declining. The factors that affect the red taxi service can be divided into five aspects: 1) service, 2) economic and social, 3) attitude and behavior of passengers, 4) Chiang Mai physicals, and 5) mass transit system policy in Chiang Mai. Moreover, this study shows that red car passengers have a negative attitude towards the red taxi service and when it comparing passengers’ attitude with the needs of red taxi services, it had negative value in all aspects. The future trends of red taxi service can still remain in Chiang Mai through a period of time.

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How to Cite
Patsamarn, R. (2020). A Trends and Directions of Red Car Taxi Service in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(2), 109–140. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/111833
Research Article
Author Biography

Raweewan Patsamarn, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University




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