Structure of Feeling in Live Experiences and Narratives of Isan Male Migrant Return 3 Generations

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Sompong Asakit


In this article I attend to understand about narratives and live experiences of “Isan Male Migrant Return” three generations; composed of generations who have been migrated labor in specific times and spaces. The generations are as follows: (1) over 65 years old, (2) between 45-55 years old and (3) under 35 years old. The article argues that the structure of feeling were expressed in their attitudes, views, thoughts and feelings base on migrating experiences. However, in each generations had structure of feeling that consistent and contradict. The Urban and urban area was senses of bitter, hopeless, insecure and pride by their views of rural people. On the other hand, rurality and rural area was given meaning and values about works and lives in rural area that settled by rural people were 65 years old and between 45-55 years old and unsettled by the rural people were under 35 years old. By the way, all generations have a common feelings: when they reflexive their migrated experiences, they had sense of attachments with rurality. For their migrated experienced in abroad each periods are expressed the structure of feeling of rural people are intersected. The rural people were over 65 years old was inferiority, disappointed, shame and loss and the rural people were between 45-55 years old were aware that labored, hard work. Moreover, they were insulted, exploited, and feel risk in their works. However, the rural people were under 35 years old they were felt pride and unaware that labored and hard work in their job.

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How to Cite
Asakit, S. (2018). Structure of Feeling in Live Experiences and Narratives of Isan Male Migrant Return 3 Generations. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 9(2), 87–122. retrieved from
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