The Development of Risk Management Plan of Agricultural Sector in Drought Risk Areas. An Approach to Optimize the Local Governance: A Case Study of Kudpiman Sub-district Administrative Organization, Tambon Kud Piman, Amphoe Dan Khun Thot, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Varatchaya Chueachanthuek
Patcharin Witthayaaneknan


This research aims to 1) investigate risk components of agricultural sector in drought risk areas, and 2) to conduct the risk management plan of agricultural sector in drought risk areas. Participatory Action Research (PAR) was applied to the study. Group interview and in-depth interview are used as research instrument to collect primary data from key informants. The key informants of the research included (1) fifteen of farmers who suffered from drought, (2) fifteen of community leaders including village headmen, village committee, members of the Sub-district Administrative Organization Council, community seniors, Philosopher, resource person, Religious leaders, and leaders of the local organization were responsible for risk management of agricultural sector.

The study area is a village affected by drought more than three times within the last five years (B.E. 2013 - 2017). Data collection was conducted during March 2017 to February 2018 in Samnakpiman Village, where located at Moo 12, administrative Region of Kudpiman Sub-district Administrative Organization, Gudpiman Subdistrict, Dan Khun Thot District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, and the location was in the drought risk area. Data then was analyzed by Descriptive Analysis method.

Research results found that 

(1) Risk components of agricultural sector in drought risk areas;
consist of

(1.1)  Vulnerability of agricultural sector was divided into 2 types include physical vulnerability and social vulnerability. Physical vulnerability consist of cultivation in drought risk area, no water source within
community, lack of water source, and cultivation outside irrigated area. Social vulnerability consisted of ambiguity of information, Inadequate support for government knowledge, and having attitude of believing in fate, drought warning data cannot be predicted accurately, focus on the low-level career integration, and lack of the supporting network.

(1.2)  Potentials of drought mitigation consisted of development of cultivating diversification, management on farmlands, adaptation of cultivating period, constructing water source within community, mining, and regulating disciplines within community.   

(2)  Risk management plan of agricultural sector in drought risk areas

Risk management plan of agricultural sector in drought risk areas including providing knowledge of plant species cultivated and large scale production in drought risk areas, promoting the pilot farm, improvement
of new-generation farmers, assessment of drought risk, improvement of the forecast data, collaborations between related agencies, promotion on community participation, and training on leadership to cope with drought.

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How to Cite
Chueachanthuek, V., & Witthayaaneknan, P. (2019). The Development of Risk Management Plan of Agricultural Sector in Drought Risk Areas. An Approach to Optimize the Local Governance: A Case Study of Kudpiman Sub-district Administrative Organization, Tambon Kud Piman, Amphoe Dan Khun Thot, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 10(1), 75–94. retrieved from
Research Article


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