Sports Diplomacy: The Merit of 2018 Winter Olympics toward Inter-Korean Inclusive Reconciliation

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Jintavat Sirirat


Sports have been part of politics and foreign affairs since Ancient Greece. They became the significant apparatus of several countries in 20th century, particularly in utilizing Olympic Games to serve their goals. South Korea also has taken an interest in the value of sports in both constructive and destructive ways. Korean President Moon Jae-in, who realizes the importance and the merit of sports in solving North Korea’s nuclear and missile crisis, seizes the opportunity to host the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. By analyzing through the lens of Sports Diplomacy, this research found that the inter-Korean cooperation in the Winter Olympics not only reduces the antagonistic sentiment, but also spills over to political, security, and economic agenda. Empirical evidences are Kim Jong-un’s statement to pause nuclear program in the 3rd of April inter-Korean summit was in the month, as well as United States-North Korea historic summit took place in Singapore in June. These distinctly show that sports are the indispensable apparatus for improving inter-Korean relations.

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Sirirat, J. (2019). Sports Diplomacy: The Merit of 2018 Winter Olympics toward Inter-Korean Inclusive Reconciliation. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 10(1), 121–148. retrieved from
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