Open the Black Box of Thai Higher Education

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Marndarath Suksanga
Chindalak Vadhanasindhu
Pairote Pathranarakul


The objective of this research was to analyze the causal relationship between the black box and the performance of Thai higher education institutions through the employee engagement factor. The quantitative research instruments used in this study were questionnaires. The respondents were 1,992 academic staff from 6 Thai higher educational institutions, namely Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, Chiang Mai University, Thammasat University, Kasetsart University, and Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. The sampling techniques used were quota sampling and accidental sampling. The demographic data of the respondents was analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. The AMOS program was used to analyze the reliability of all variables. The LISREL program was employed to analyze the validity of the measurement model. The research results found that the employees’ capability, motivation, and opportunity had a direct positive impact and an indirect impact on the performance of the higher education institutions through the employees’ engagement, which acted as a mediator variable. Therefore, it is essential for higher education institutions to place importance on human resource practices that help to enhance employees’ engagement and can contribute to organizational performance.



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How to Cite
Suksanga, M. ., Vadhanasindhu, C. ., & Pathranarakul, P. . (2020). Open the Black Box of Thai Higher Education. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(2), 161–194. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Marndarath Suksanga, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University




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