Human Resource Management for Startups: Case Studies of Startups in Lifestyle Sector in Chiang Mai Province

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Siriprapa Kankaew
Alongkorn Khutrakun


The objectives of this study were: (1) to study the characters of human resource management for startups in lifestyle sector, (2) to analyze how human resource management has affected employers and employees, and (3) to study the government reinforcement is necessary in order to improve the efficiency of have human resource management for startups in the lifestyle sector. The study used a qualitative method. Data were collected by in-depth interview method that consisted of 12 key informants, thus 3 sectors: employer, employee in lifestyle startups, and government. Also, a non-participant observation was employed to collect the data. The results of this study showed that: 1) must startups in lifestyle sector did not have formal human resource management department, thus founders will manage human resource by themselves, 2) The effects of human resource management on employers and employees were that employers could select employees that are suitable for organization. Employees have work freely and the opportunity to create their challenging works, and 3) the government reinforcement that necessary to improve efficiency of human resource management for startups in the lifestyle sector acting an intermediary between entrepreneurs and startup employee prospects.

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How to Cite
Kankaew , S. ., & Khutrakun, A. (2020). Human Resource Management for Startups: Case Studies of Startups in Lifestyle Sector in Chiang Mai Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(1), 63–90. Retrieved from
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