Women’s Lived Experiences, Gender and Sexualities: An Analysis of Case Studies of Thai “Teenage Mothers” and Lao Women Working at a Karaoke Restaurant in Thailand

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Panitee Brown


This paper presents a critical analysis of the lived experiences of women, whose gender and sexualities are formed through non-marriage relationships, and accordingly are often stigmatized as “misconducts” and “social problems.” This paper synthesizes arguments and draws from data presented in two Masters theses: one on Thai adolescents’ pregnancies and another on Lao migrant women who work at karaoke bars in Thailand. This paper addresses three key issues. Firstly, it notes how economic, social, and cultural contexts constrain women’s gender and sexualities. Case studies illustrate how dominant sexual norms and patriarchal values have contributed to the social stigmatization of certain women’s sexual behaviors as “deviance” or “social problems.” Second, it looks at how women’s agency and survival strategies play a crucial role in negotiation with economic and socio-cultural constraints. Finally, although social networks play a significant part in providing women with various kinds of support, their supportive roles should not be overemphasized. These networks are not necessarily harmonious, and there can sometimes be tensions among actors.

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How to Cite
Brown, P. (2021). Women’s Lived Experiences, Gender and Sexualities: An Analysis of Case Studies of Thai “Teenage Mothers” and Lao Women Working at a Karaoke Restaurant in Thailand. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(1), 307–336. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/212424
Academic Article


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