Human Resource Management in Public Sector with Employer Branding

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Pathakrit Chiranonthakit


Human resource management in each Thai government agency varies according to organizational objective. Organizational strategic planning must coincide with national strategic planning. In Thailand, government agencies face human resource management problems, which may be resolved by using the concept of employer branding, and focusing on caring for public sector employees. Employer branding conveys distinctive details about each organization’s strong points to attract talented and suitable job candidates. Employer branding may also point out factors possibly affecting employee engagement and turnover. Four primary factors are influential: reward and recognition; external reputation, learning and development, and team management. These may principally affect individual decision-making but the weight of each factor varies according to environmental and personal experience.

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How to Cite
Chiranonthakit, P. . (2021). Human Resource Management in Public Sector with Employer Branding. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(2), 269–294. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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