The Rule of Authoritarianism and the Justice Problem Through the Life of Anan Phakprapai

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Thannapat Jarernpanit


This article presents the injustice issue of Thai state through the life of Anan Phakprapai who is the member of the house of representative of Phitsanulok province, and Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives during the Kukrit Pramoj government in 1975. The article applies the rule of authoritarianism concept to explain the justice troubles which happened during the life of Anan. The major issue of Thai injustice found in the rule of authoritarianism which uses the court and judicial system as a political instrument to control society and political opponents. In the meantime, the Thai state use the laws and courts to justify their political legitimacy and impunity especially the military junta. This shows the judicialization of authoritarian politics that affected in political conflicts, human rights abuse and the state violence in Thai society. Meanwhile, the court and judicial system become the center of state-society contention, and it reflects the illegitimacy problem of Thai modern state.


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How to Cite
Jarernpanit, T. (2020). The Rule of Authoritarianism and the Justice Problem Through the Life of Anan Phakprapai. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(Suppl.), 77–100. Retrieved from
Academic Article
Author Biography

Thannapat Jarernpanit, College of Local Management and Development, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University




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