State and Development in the Mekong Sub-region under the Sustainable Development Goals from 2015-2020

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Supitcha Punya


This paper aims to analyze state power in implementing Sustainable Development Goals in national development policies and the Mekong river development. This research focuses on the development policies shaped by the governments in the lower Mekong countries (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar or the CLMV countries), while selecting the hydropower dams in the Mekong river as a case study to analyze state power in the river development. Data is collected from a review of relevant literature and research, policies, strategic plans and news. The review confirmed that the Sustainable Development Goals can shape the countries’ national development policies by placing more emphasis on economic, environmental, social aspects and good governance. However, the goals cannot constrain state power in terms of the Mekong’s hydropower dam development.

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How to Cite
Punya, S. (2021). State and Development in the Mekong Sub-region under the Sustainable Development Goals from 2015-2020. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(Suppl. 2), 117–138. retrieved from
Academic Article


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