Political and Social Values in Beauty Pageants

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Chawanbhon Boonkerd
Pirada Chairat


Beauty pageants in Thailand give women more opportunities to play a role in public spaces. However, women in beauty queen roles are restricted in political and social values expression, with traditional values, Beauty queens are still expected to remain politically neutral, as the political world is getting more and more polarized, things are beginning to change in the pageantry community. When the beauty pageant organization gives beauty pageants the opportunity to beauty queens as express their own personal opinions. This makes beauty pageants more popular among people in society. In addition, the motto is that the role of beauty queens is to be a voice for society, so there is the question of how the role of beauty pageants correlates with the political and social values of Thai women. The sample for quantitative research consisted of 162 participants all participants were beauty queens contestants from Miss Thailand, Miss Universe Thailand and Miss Grand Thailand. The researcher collects data through a questionnaire and the statistical values used in the data analysis is Pearson correlation coefficient statistically significant at 0.05. The research findings showed that was of negative correlation between social value; aspect of politics and social (r = -0.241*) with the role of beauty queens, statistically significant at 0.05 suggests that beauty queens contestants still observe that tradition. And aesthetic aspect was positively correlated (r = 0.173*) with the role of beauty queens statistically significant at 0.05 suggests that beauty queens contestants pay attention about combines beauty and brains for self-optimization in beauty pageants or inspired others.

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How to Cite
Boonkerd, C., & Chairat, P. (2022). Political and Social Values in Beauty Pageants. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 13(1), 35–60. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/253585
Research Article


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