The Choices of Electoral Systems in Thailand’s Turbulent Times, 1997-2021

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Siripan Nogsuan Sawasdee


Electoral system changes in this article are treated as both independent and dependent variables. The electoral system determines the numbers of political parties elected to the House of Representatives, parties’ strategies, and voters’ behaviors, while at the same time it is a product of political engineering. We have limited and piecemeal knowledge as to how these electoral systems are determined and how they are related to institutional modification and voters’ decisions. This article surveys the literature explaining theories of electoral system changes and explains why various electoral systems were chosen at certain times. Based on a documentary research, focusing on empirical data, and a comparative method known as the “method of agreement,” the article argues that 1) Changes to the electoral system through parliamentary process occur not only when a coalition of parties seeks to maximize their legislative seat shares, but also when such a commanding coalition needs to curb their political opponents and maximize political weight in a context of rising competition; 2) Substantial changes in the number of parties and voters’ behavior occur only when electoral changes are large, meaning when the electoral formula, the number of districts and number or seats changes simultaneously; 3) Unpredictable consequences lead to another perverse conversion to alter the expected results when the intentions of the amendment became contradictory to the purpose set by the political planners

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Sawasdee, S. N. (2022). The Choices of Electoral Systems in Thailand’s Turbulent Times, 1997-2021. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 13(2), 1–34. retrieved from
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